The Systems Virtuoso: Introducing Eemeli Kallio
Eemeli came to Veracell to do product development for UWB indoor positioning and later moved to customer projects. At the moment, a longer project in healthcare is underway, and in-house product development will soon enter the pilot phase.

"At the university, I was an assistant in the Data Structures and Algorithms course for a couple of rounds and as a research assistant developing an HEVC video encoder. I was also on exchange in Korea for half a year. I heard about Veracell from a long-time friend, Hannes, who for a long time tried to trick me to work here. In the end he was successful and I joined the company."
"C/C++ are the most fluent languages for me, as I have mostly done embedded systems and other low-level coding. Javascript goes with React, and Python is also somehow under control. At Veracell I have learned a little about GCloud and at school I learned about AWS. SQL databases I can do well, and GraphQL is also somewhat familiar."
"As an employee, I am a self-starter, quite quiet and calm. I like to help and teach others. At work I am interested in learning everything new and exciting, outside of work I like to play computer games and chess, and sometimes I go to the gym. I ended up choosing this career because I'm a total geek, always have been and always will be."
"As a person, I would like to think that I am funny, at least laugh at my own really good jokes. My mother calls me smart and really handsome (at least the latter is a lie). I like potatoes.”
"It has been nice at Veracell, I have no regrets. I have done product development, embedded systems and device-related coding for the most part. I've also been able to do cloud development, data manipulation and a little front-end development. In the future, it would be nice to be able to use the signal processing, machine learning and AI stuff studied at school in some real projects. I also won’t say no if I get to advance my front-end development skills a little in a project. I also expect that we will be able to move forward in product development and be able to do a demo and a pilot."
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