AI's Next Prodigy: Daniel Ciovica
Daniel joined Veracell as part-time developer and has been advancing his studies at the same time. He is studying data science and looking forward to using his AI skills in the domain of healthcare, robotics or astrophysics.

“Education played a very important role in my current career choice. Even though I was studying Electronics and Telecommunications, my Erasmus+ experience in Turku, Finland, made me realize that one area intrigues me like no other: artificial intelligence. That is the reason why I currently pursue a data science masters track, and why my portfolio is strongly related to machine learning topics.”
“The projects that I’ve worked in are strongly machine learning related. One worth mentioning was predicting the best response of a patient that has multiple myeloma type of cancer, with respect to the current treatment lines. The aim of the project was to help the clinical personnel decide whether the treatment should be changed or not.
I’ve also worked with fault injection and anomaly detection within an autonomous driving system platform. My contribution was to create the simulation of the world, implement a fault which should be injected over the images taken by the built-in camera, and build an anomaly detection model in order to distinguish the clean data from the noisy one.”
“I am a friendly person, that easily adapts to any type of situation, and who wishes to help everybody in need. I used to be a professional ballroom dancer for 10 years, participating to competitions both nationally and internationally renowned. I practiced a lot of sports in my childhood such as karate, kayak-canoe, football, basketball, but my only physical activity right now is going to the gym.”
“My main programming language is Python, but I also have knowledge of SQL, Matlab, and C++. In terms of technologies, I have worked with a lot of machine learning libraries, out of which the most relevant ones are PyTorch, Tensorflow, Pandas, Numpy, Scikit-learn and Matplotlib. I would like to learn the entire process of creating a machine learning product, from data gathering to model deployment.”
“In a machine learning or data science application, the first step concerns data gathering and data processing. As I want to extend my knowledge within this domain, I searched for companies that offer me the possibility to work with such aspects. Furthermore, as my next year of studies will be done at Aalto University, I searched for a company in Finland. As the initial project that I was told I would be working on was among one of my subjects of interest, I was willing to join Veracell.”
Daniel has contributed to the in-house product development, as we are looking forward to starting a pilot in the beginning of 2023. All our developers are invited to work in customer projects, gaining experience in different domains and technologies.
“So far, I’ve been working within the Ago project, an indoor positioning service built on top of UWB tracking. After my tasks for the project are done, I will join customer projects. I expect to extend my knowledge with respect to the data engineering processes and relevant tools and skills.
I would like to use my AI skills in the domain of healthcare, robotics or astrophysics. During my studies I have come across natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision, but I feel that I barely scratched the surface, so I want to learn more about these topics as well.”
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