From Tennis Courts to Tech Fields: Meet Valtteri Haavisto
Dive into Vatteri’s journey from racket-wielding enthusiast to navigating the dynamic world of technology.

“I joined Veracell due to my passion for learning. In and out of school, I seek to improve, and Veracell felt right. I’m an easygoing, curious individual. New challenges excite me, especially exploring novel technologies and their applications.”
Outside of work, Valtteri is an avid tennis player with nearly 15 years of experience. Recently he has taken up Padel, another racket sport.
“Engaging in sports allows me to reset. After work, my mind often lingers on job-related issues. But sports, requiring intense focus, free my mind. The next day at the office I find myself with much greater energy and determination to tackle the day's tasks!”
“My career journey wasn't always evident. In high school, my path was uncertain. My love for math and science pointed towards a university. After my military stint, relocating to Tampere felt right.”
“Before Veracell, I was part of a computational physics research group. There, I merged my physics knowledge with software and machine learning. Instead of traditional experiments, we programmed and studied models, captivating my interest.”
At Veracell, Valtteri has already touched various roles, including Full Stack development. He has delved into programming languages like HTML, JavaScript, and mastered data management with Python.
“I learned of Veracell through my childhood friend, Onni. Though we attend the same university, our majors differ. His insights on Veracell resonated with me. The appeal of contributing to a growing company where my work holds tangible impact was undeniable.”
“Looking ahead, I aim to remain at the forefront of technological trends. I’m eager to undertake diverse projects using a spectrum of tools. Veracell offers the environment for my professional and personal growth and I'm thankful that my coworkers here are super helpful whenever I have questions.”
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