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Meet Prabu Mohan: The Maestro of Machine Learning

We are excited to welcome a new data engineer, Prabu, to our team! With a passion for machine learning and data engineering, Prabu joined us to work on exciting data projects. He describes himself as a curious individual, always striving for personal development and improvement.

"I joined Veracell to work on interesting projects involving machine learning and data engineering. As an individual, I am a curious person who constantly seeks personal development and always try to improve myself in all aspects.
In the context of work, I am interested in learning new technologies and understanding how we can use them to address current problems. During my bachelor's degree, I completed a small Proof of Concept (POC) project that utilized a mobile phone to scan barcodes and bill products.
In the final year of my bachelor's degree, I worked on a machine learning project for my thesis. I was captivated by the idea of teaching machines to perform complex tasks that are not achievable through conventional automation. After working as a backend developer for some time, I decided to pursue a master's degree in machine learning. I enrolled at Tampere University to obtain my master's in machine learning, and I am now working as a data engineer at Veracell.
Previously, I have worked on a product called ZOHOBigin, a mini CRM from ZOHO. My main contributions were in the areas of integrations and backend development. I have also undertaken some hobby projects, such as a payment application that allowed users to purchase items in supermarkets by scanning barcodes with an Android app. Recently, I worked on a personal project centered on a document storage service with enhanced protection.
Having worked as a backend engineer for three years, I have experience with technologies like Java, Python, Struts, ReactJs, Docker, and Kafka. I also have extensive experience working with ML frameworks such as Keras, PyTorch, NumPy, and Scipy.
I discovered Veracell while searching for opportunities in the field of machine learning on LinkedIn. Currently, I am working on a customer project and familiarizing myself with various technologies like GCP and BigQuery. My future plan is to continue working on projects that interest me, particularly those related to NLP and audio processing."

We are thrilled to have such a dedicated and talented professional join our team, and we look forward to the innovative contributions Prabu will bring to Veracell.

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