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The Scholar of Safety: Introducing Vili Sipilä

Vili did his master's thesis on identifying falling as part of the Ago project, funded by Business Finland. The goal of the development is to produce an indoor positioning system that provides accurate information about the movement of people in the premises.

When taking care about the elderly, it is important to notice a fall immediately so that help can be sent as soon as possible. In the Ago project, a fall is detected using sensors placed on a wristband, and Vili's research work is an important part of our product development. We are looking forward to starting a pilot with a healthcare research partner during 2023.

“I am studying health technology at the University of Tampere and I am now finishing up my master's degree in engineering. My interest in mathematics, natural sciences and healthcare domain can be used when dealing with health technology. By working in this area I get to use my expertise for the benefit of human well-being.
At Veracell I am programming an acceleration sensor system with C, and use Python to analyze and visualize sensor data. In these tasks, signal processing skills are my strength. I would also like to learn more about hardware programming.
So far, I have had time to get to know the company's employees and operations. I have learned to use different tools, and the process of writing my dissertation has already started. The plans are to get the thesis done by the beginning of the summer and then continue working in the Ago project.”

Veracell has a wealth of experience in data, technology and design in the healthcare domain. Vili's joining the team strengthens an already extensive portfolio of expertise.

“Before joining Veracell, I worked in two different research groups at the university. In the first group, I analyzed the growth of cancer cells based on fluorescence microscopy images, and in the second group, I did laboratory work related to microfabrication, which also included working in a clean room.”

The founders of Veracell have an academic background and several PhDs are involved in the projects. Promoting academic research and new innovations is therefore important to us and we currently have three people working on their dissertations.

“I ended up with Veracell through LinkedIn, as I was looking for a graduate job in the fall of 2021, and posted an update on LinkedIn about the subject. Sergei from Veracell saw the post and contacted me, and we arranged an interview where I got to hear more about the company. As we were able to formulate a good topic for the thesis, it was a pleasure to start working here in the beginning of 2022.”

At Veracell, work is handled however people feel is best for them, regardless of time or place. Of course, support is always available and a wide range of experts spend time at the office every day.

“I want to be able to challenge and develop myself, and my job to allow different career paths and forms of work. I hope for flexibility and independence in terms of leisure planning. I value work-life balance, and I don’t want to sacrifice other interests because of work. I do orienteering at a competitive level, and am also attracted to boarding sports.
I like to develop myself, which is also reflected in the experimentation of new things both at work and in my free time. I have the ability to easily learn new things and in this job I am able to. I try to quicker understand new things by asking from those who are more familiar with the matter. In the long run, I want to be able to see the result of my own work in practice, which is why product development is a particularly interesting area for me.”

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