Lue, miksi olemme ensimmäinen valinta rakentamaan teollisuuden ratkaisuja AI- ja datastrategioista ennakoivaan huoltoon.
Imagine a world where the sun and wind are not just sources of energy, but predictable assets. Our deep neural networks project solar and wind yields up to 3 days ahead, empowering more balanced energy production and market operations.
Visualize a paper factory where the term "unexpected breakdown" is archaic. Our AI reads data from 50,000 IoT sensors to predict machinery hiccups within 3 hours, saving both time and money.
Think of a shipyard operating like clockwork, each component replaced right before its expiration date. Our AI model forecasts spare part failure weeks in advance, allowing proactive replacements and dodging costly delays.
Picture walking into a building where the air doesn't just feel fresh; it's intelligently so. Using Microsoft Azure and IoT data, we've crafted an AI model that dynamically adjusts ventilation, both conserving energy and minimizing carbon footprint.
Envision a forest where each tree is accounted for—type, height, and volume. With our drone-powered LiDAR tech, forest management goes digital, blending sustainability with precise valuation.
Imagine an industrial factory that practically runs itself, making real-time adjustments to maximize yield. With our AI model and responsive dashboard, we enable operators to finetune processes in response to forecasted outcomes.
Conceive of a manufacturing line where every product is the best version of itself. Thanks to our cloud analytics solution, quality control is not reactive but predictive, steering lab focus to where it's needed most.
Ponder a future where your utility company knows you so well, it can almost predict your next move. By segmenting users based on historical energy usage, we allow utilities to design more effective pricing and outreach strategies.
” Veracellista löysimme ammattitaitoisen tiimin, jollaista olimme jo jonkin aikaa etsineet elinkaarimallinnuksen edistämiseen. Tulokset projektista ovat lupaavia ja vievät meitä kohti tuotantoratkaisua.”
- Tomi Krogerus, Senior Manager of Analytics and AI
Jokainen ratkaisu on askel älykkäämpään, tehokkaampaan ja kestävämpään maailmaan.
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