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From DIY Enthusiast to Data Dynamo: Aleksander's Journey at Veracell

Aleksander's journey to becoming a Data Engineer at Veracell is a tale of curiosity, creativity, and a passion for technology. Here is his story, in which each twist and turn has played a role in shaping his career.

“I came to Veracell to work as a Data Engineer. The blend of technical challenges and creative problem-solving here aligns perfectly with what I was looking for. I consider myself an independent, creative, and technical problem-solver. While I have a deep passion for technical solutions and their various functionalities, I equally value design and user experience.”
“Do-It-Yourself (DIY) stuff has always grabbed my attention. I love figuring out how things work and how to make them efficient yet cost-effective. This mindset has not only guided my personal projects but has also been a principle in my academic and work endeavors.”
“As a kid, I always knew I’d end up in either the commercial or technical fields. For a long time, the business route seemed more appealing, but my desire to create tangible things and understand how technical solutions operate grew stronger. My interest in cars led me to electrical and mechanical engineering courses. Though I initially leaned towards electrical engineering due to the rise of electric cars, I quickly found myself more captivated by programming and UI/UX, even during my leisure time.”
“I’ve tackled various projects in the past. Academically, I worked on predicting the popularity of Android mobile apps based on categories, age ratings, and other parameters, using decision tree and random forest models. I also developed a meeting room booking application using a React, TypeScript, and Node.js stack. Professionally, my roles have included IT management, UI/UX design, and marketing—encompassing IT support, marketing ads, automation scripts, and web and application development.”
“I’m proficient in several technologies like Python, JavaScript/TypeScript, C++, React, and Vue, among others. Though I’d love to expand my knowledge further into cloud technologies, software production management, and the world of AI.”

A pivotal moment came when Onni, employed at Veracell, introduced him to the company. "Onni, a friend who worked at Veracell, was the one who got me interested in joining. He spoke highly of the good work and great team culture here. I also wanted to shift my focus more towards software-related tasks, making Veracell an appealing choice," Aleksander explains.

Lately, Aleksander has worked on a customer project focused on constructing a data dashboard, leveraging technologies such as Azure, Snowflake, and Grafana, as well as in multiple projects using LLMs. He has also gained experience in sales, taken on the role of project manager, and served as a Scrum Master.

"Currently, I'm working on a prediction model that utilizes historical data to forecast future outcomes. While we anticipated positive results, I'm pleased to report that the outcomes have surpassed our already high expectations! I hope to continue working on AI solutions that will optimize current workflows and unlock new opportunities for our customers through the use of Large Language Models (LLMs), machine learning, and cloud-based technologies."

Ready to transform your data dreams into reality? There’s no better time than now. Let’s reimagine the future together.