Jos datasi voisi puhua - mitä se sanoisi?

Kuuntelemme dataasi ja annamme sille äänen. Se kertoo tarinan, ja me autamme kirjoittamaan sen.

AI Strategy & Business Design

Crafting Your Roadmap to Success

Imagine if your business had an AI crystal ball—revealing all your opportunities and hurdles in advance. Together with key stakeholders, we pinpoint your core business challenges and devise strategies that make your data and AI your greatest allies. Our plans encompass not just technology, but also humans, processes, and business models.

Technology Audits & Due Diligence

Guiding Your Tech Journey

What if you had a trusted companion to help you navigate the complex terrain of technology choices? Whether you're raising capital or just need a second opinion, our blend of tech expertise and business acumen offers the audit you didn't know you needed.

Service Design & Exploratory Data Analysis

Understanding Before Building

Imagine a world where every move you make is calculated to yield the most rewarding outcome. By deeply exploring use cases and understanding the layers of your data, we ensure your investment pays off—not just today, but for years to come.

Product Development

Where Potential Becomes Reality

What if your digital assets could do more than you ever dreamed? We roll up our sleeves and get involved in the development process to unlock the full range of possibilities hidden in your digital assets, focusing on long-term gains over quick fixes.

Data Integrations & Data Models

Connecting the Dots of Healthcare and Beyond

Imagine having a single, coherent view that seamlessly integrates medical records, market analytics, and DNA sequences. Our extensive experience with diverse data integrations crafts that unified picture for you, from healthcare databases to market analysis.

Joint Ventures

From Ideas to Reality

Do you have a revolutionary data-driven concept but lack the tech horsepower to bring it to life? Imagine if you didn't have to go it alone. We can be your technical co-pilot, steering your dreams towards reality.

”Veracell on pitkäaikainen luotettu kumppanimme. Veracellin konsulttien avulla pystymme toimittamaan vaativampia projekteja, jotka vaativat data- ja tekoälyosaamista.”

- Ari Rantanen, partneri, AI Roots

Sprintit — niille, jotka eivät malta odottaa

Jos kaikkien uusien mahdollisuuksien hyödyntäminen vaikuttaa ylivoimaiselta, anna meidän olla oppaasi. Voisiko jokainen tekemäsi askel olla harkittu, fokusoitunut ja validoitu sopivalla kokemuksella.

Emme vain näe maailmaa sellaisena kuin se on. Kuvittelemme, mitä se voisi olla.

Kun teet yhteistyötä kanssamme, et vain osta palvelua, vaan sijoitat tulevaisuuden mahdollisuuksiin. Anna meidän muuttaa "mitä jos" todellisuudeksi.

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